We Serve


Suicide among Veterans is at a crisis level. Though we’ve come a long way in learning how to recognize the signs and what to do to help, we need to step up the effort to integrate suicide prevention practices within post-service culture, connect those in need to life-saving resources, and improve access to mental health care.

What We Do

The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation collaborates with the Ohio Army National Guard, the Ohio Governor’s Challenge Team, OhioCares, the Ohio Department of Veterans Services, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and veteran-related community partners to help bridge the gap between individuals serving in the military and those having left military service, while striving to educate, advocate, and connect them with the necessary resources to facilitate their mental health needs.

By the Numbers


There were 6,407 Veteran suicide deaths in 2022, three more than in 2021.


In 2022, 232 Ohio Veterans died by suicide, and 95 were between the ages of 55-74.


In 2022, there were 6,136 suicide deaths among Veteran men and 271 suicide deaths among Veteran women.


Firearms are the primary lethal means for 77.2% of Veteran suicides in Ohio.


In 2022, suicide was the 12th-leading cause of death for veterans overall, and the second-leading cause of death among veterans under age 45-years-old.


Among U.S. adults who died from suicide in 2022, firearms were more commonly involved among Veteran deaths (73.5%) than among non-Veteran deaths (52.2%).

Risk Factors

  • Previous suicide attempt

  • History of depression and other mental illness

  • Serious illness such as chronic pain or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), service or non-service connected

  • Criminal/legal problems

  • Job/financial problems or loss

  • Impulsive or aggressive tendencies

  • Substance use

  • Social isolation

  • Loss of relationships

  • Sense of hopelessness

  • Recent separation from military service (ETS, medical, or retirement)

  • Stress related to OPTEMPO

  • Deployments during military service, e.g., Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)

Warning Signs

  • Existing mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD related to service (regardless of deployment status)

  • Expressing hopelessness, despair, anger, or rage

  • Appearing sad or depressed most of the time

  • Feeling anxious, agitated, or unable to sleep

  • Neglecting personal wellbeing

  • Not engaged during National Guard or Reserves (IDT/UTA/AT) training

  • Withdrawing from family and friends

  • Losing interest in day-to-day activities

  • Frequent and dramatic mood changes

  • Expressing feelings of excessive guilt or shame

  • Feelings of failure or decreased performance at work, home, or other daily activities

  • Feeling like there’s no reason to live

  • Increased alcohol or substance use

  • Talking about death, saying goodbye, or giving away possessions

Support Resources

Life Side Ohio is a campaign of direct, suicide prevention outreach dedicated to the firearms community.

This campaign is sponsored by the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation