We Serve

Black and African American Community

Anyone can experience suicidal thoughts – no matter age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, or cultural background – yet some populations are more at risk than others. The Black and African American community is particularly at a higher risk, and the suicide rate has continued to increase when the rate for other populations has declined or remained the same.

What We Do

To address suicide in the Black and African American community, the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation has launched the Life is Better with You Here campaign, which creates spaces for Black individuals to come together and find support.

By the Numbers

1 in 3

Only one in three Black adults who need mental health care receive it.


From 2019 to 2020, the suicide rate for Black male Ohioans increased 8 percent.


From 2019 to 2020, the suicide rate for Black Ohioan females increased 14 percent.


The rate of suicide among Black children under the age of 13 is two times higher compared to white peers.

Risk Factors

  • Prior suicide attempts

  • Substance use

  • History of mental illness

  • Serious illness like chronic pain

  • Legal or financial problems

  • Stigma within the community

  • Racism and discrimination

  • Exposure to racism in the media

  • Racial bias from medical professionals

Support Resources

Life is Better with You Here

Life Is Better With You Here (LIBWYH) is a campaign whose sole focus is to provide resources, support, and love for the Black community who suffer from mental health disorders or suicidal ideation – for those who feel the burden of racism, discrimination, gun violence, poverty, poor school systems, and the absence of adequate mental health resources and want to give up.

The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation hosts Life is Better with You Here